Matt Phippen Workshops

Saturday & Sunday, September 21 & 22, 2024

Matt is coming back to Bainbridge Yoga House to teach workshops in September.

He teaches fun, dynamic, accessible classes and has a depth of knowledge and delivers it with clarity, charm and integrity.

Sat, Sept 21st 9:30am-12:00pm
Redefining The Breath
The breath is the foundation of the human experience. It informs the way we move, the way we feel, and even the way our cells metabolize. If we know how, we can leverage our breath to refine movement mechanics, shift neurological state, and improve the ventilation of air to our lungs and the perfusion of blood in our circulatory system. This workshop is a deep dive into the breath. Topics include: Polyvagal Theory, proper breath mechanics, and neurological flexibility (and how to shift neurological state, using specific breath techniques). All are welcome.

Sat, Sept 21st 1-3:30pm
Movement Mechanics: Inversions

Inversions require skill and experience, but they also require adequate range of motion. We need to have the requisite range in specific joints in order to practice these poses safely, and proficiently. The best way to increase your range of motion is to practice mobilizing your joints (actively). This workshop teaches active mobility exercises and proper movement mechanics that will prepare your joints for inverted postures such as handstand and forearm balance. Whether you are a seasoned arm balancer or you're new to this sort of practice, this workshop is for you.

Sun, Sept 22nd 9:30am-12:00pm
360 Degree Hip Mobility

Learn end-range strength building techniques for the 360 degree circumference of your hips This comprehensive workshop will break down all the actions of the hip joint and offer creative, simple and effective ways to isolate these actions with intelligence and precision. Consider this work as a home practice to help you improve the way you move, on and off the mat. All levels welcome.

Sun, Sept 22nd 1-3:30pm
360 Degree Shoulder Mobility

Learn end - range strength building techniques for the 360 degrees of your shoulders. This workshop will target the many articulations of the glenohumeral joint, as well as the shoulder girdle. We'll explore dynamic, effective and isolated movements that increase range of motion. Consider this work as a home practice to help you improve the way you move, on and off the mat. All levels welcome.

Learn more about Matt @mattphippen or on his website.

And if you want to get a fun glimpse into Matt's life, check out this video on Instagram.